

富血小板血浆 (PRP) 治疗 是一种利用您自己的血液的再生医学,其中富含血小板的血浆成分被提取、浓缩,然后重新引入头皮以对抗脱发。 这种富含血小板的血浆富含生长因子,进一步帮助毛囊恢复活力。 这用于启动或促进头发再生,特别是在顽固区域,即双颞区或头顶。

Frequently Asked Question

How is the DNA test conducted?

By a simple blood test.

Do I need to fast prior the test?

Fasting is not necessary as this involves DNA.

How long will the results take?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

How is the DNA test conducted?

By a simple blood test.

Do I need to fast prior the test?

Fasting is not necessary as this involves DNA.

How long will the results take?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.