生物同质性激素治疗 – 荷尔蒙失调治疗
Testosterone level will gradually decrease as we age and primarily affects a man’s well-being such as:
Testosterone is a hormone that is produced primarily in the testicles for men and the ovaries and adrenal glands for women. This hormone is essential in the development of male growth and masculine characteristics. It plays a key role in:
- Muscle mass and bones
- Facial and pubic hair
- Body’s development of deeper voice
- Sex drive
- Mood and quality of life
- Verbal memory and thinking ability
Frequently Asked Question
By a simple blood test.
It can take approximately 3 weeks for the test results
During the Pap smear test, a small brush is used to gently remove cells and mucus from the surface of the cervix and the area around it. The cells and mucus will then be sent to the lab for further analysis.
生物同质激素治疗 (Hormone Replacement Therapy),也称为激素替代疗法,是一种通过补充或调整体内激素水平来恢复荷尔蒙平衡的治疗方法。这项治疗广泛应用于处理荷尔蒙失调,特别是在更年期、甲状腺问题、性激素不足等情况下。对于男女健康而言,荷尔蒙的平衡至关重要。
在Bioscor Clinic,我们提供个性化的荷尔蒙治疗方案,根据每位患者的具体症状和生理状况进行调整。我们的专业医护团队将根据您的病史、健康检查和体征来制定治疗计划,确保安全有效地恢复您的荷尔蒙平衡。